Welcome to the story of us as we experience the journey to becoming first time parents!! We are very blessed and super excited to embark on this next chapter of our lives together.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

37 Weeks


Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:
37 weeks
Size of baby: 6 1/3 lbs. and 19 inches long
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 30 lbs.  (I’ve caught up with Mike, oops)
Maternity Clothes: yes
Gender: IT’S A BOY!!
Movement: his legs are in my ribs and his fists are in my hip bone
What I miss: sleeping on my back 
Cravings: everything
Symptoms: I can’t complain about a thing!
Best Moment this week: Finding out we get to meet Landry a week early!!!  I’m scheduled to be induced July 25th if he doesn’t decide to come sooner!!


  1. Yay for a new post! I am so excited for you. I can't wait until we are at that point. I am counting down the days! I cannot wait to see pics of the little guy. Wish I could be there. Love you.

  2. Congrats!! You are going to be a wonderful mommy!!
